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Prækvalifikation vedr. Biogasanlæg – 1. etape

Bioenergi Vest A/S er en vigtig partner til opfyldelse af Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommunes målsætning om at selvforsynende med vedvarende energi i 2020. Bioenergi Vest A/S varetager opførelsen af små decentrale biogasanlæg, der modtager gylle fra lokalområdet, og et ledningsnet til fordeling af biogassen til forbrugere som varmeværker og industrier.

I 2014-15 etableres de første 3 biogasanlæg i totalentreprise. Bioenergi Vest A/S opfordrer interesserede virksomheder om at søge prækvalifikation.

Nærmere oplysninger om prækvalifikationen fremgår af udbudsbekendtgørelsen.

- Klik her for at læse mere Bioenergi Vest.


We search a contractor to establish three turnkey biogas plants intended for manure (min. 75%) and other biomasses, mainly silage. Each plant must treat 40-120.000 t / year.
EU Regulation 1069/2009 applies.
The contract includes all necessary work, including design, site development, soil and surface works, supply and installation of tanks, buildings, installations and control systems as well as commissioning.

The 3 plants with translation. Further information comes with the tender material to the prequalified companies.

You apply for qualification by sending information about your companies economical and technical qualification:

  1. Company name and details of contact.
  2. Ownership.
  3. Service Certificate from the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency. (Max ½ years old)
  1. Presentation of financial capacity, including the company's signed Annual Report for the last 3 years.
  2. Presentation of the economic situation if the Annual Report is not representing the current financial situation, or if the company is established within the last 3 years.
  3. Declaration on public debt.
  1. Description of the company's most important tasks within the last 5 years.
  2. Description of references of similar buildings (indicating the economic indicators and scope).
  3. Organogram indicating capacity. (Number and staff qualifications)
  4. Information on the company's quality assurance system.

The material must be approx. 10 A4 pages +. Annex.

Relevant documents: